31 May 2012

Golden Trailer Awards

Tonight is the Golden Trailer Awards and yours truly has been nominated for two categories.  Come look at how important I am, everybody.

Nominated for Best Family/Adventure Trailer:

Nominated for Best Voice Over in a TV Spot:

It's up to Jon Favreau, Patton Oswalt, and a handful of even more important people who wins.  Cross your fingers!

30 May 2012

25 May 2012

Indie Game: The Movie

Looks like a compelling story.  Great music cue by Jim Guthrie.

24 May 2012

Edison v Tesla

Fun read.

The original Oatmeal comic  basically poses that if you swap electricity with the Macintosh computer, then

Edison : Tesla :: Jobs : Wozniak

git it

Touring Position

elbows out, side to side. bike like a cholo

how bout safari in uganda, white water river rafting on da nile, and dancing in kampala

23 May 2012

Favorite snacks of the greatest scribblers

I love this.  I kind of wish Michael Pollan's snack of choice was more like Slim Jims and a Jolt soda.  Truman Capote's is perfect.


Space X, meet ISS

If all goes to plan, in two days the new era of space travel - the private sector - will interface with the publicly funded space program we all know on the ISS.

The future apparently sounds like the 90s.  Here's a rockin' previz animation of the mission:

Happy Birthday Biggie

Belated, sorry Notorious.  Biggie would have been 40 two days ago.  Here he is at 17.  Who has this kind of swagger at 17?!

17 May 2012

stacks on stacks on stacks

My friend cut this show.  God bless her soul for giving this to us.


R. Crumb was way off

Google easyway language center

o the possibilities of technology!

10 May 2012

Literary Paint Chips

Paint Samples, suitable for the home, sourced from colors in literature.  via The Paris Review

08 May 2012

then n now: Bryn on North Face Left

I got some video of Bryn climbing North Face Left on Sunday, then I happened to run across a clip Chris took of him climbing the same problem almost two years ago at age seven.  Pretty great to have this side by side.

May 6, 2012:

August 1, 2010:

Stoney Point May 6, 2012

A montage I montaged of our bouldering session at Stoney Point on Sunday

01 May 2012

Happy Mother's demi month

It's a product advertisement, but its message is so nicely executed.

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