27 April 2012

40 and 30

This is 40: People dealing with their First World problems

and This is 30: People celebrating their First World lives

Face the Ace from Kevin Flynn on Vimeo.

19 April 2012

Ruby Sparks Trailer 1

The directors of Little Miss Sunshine bring you

A composite

Of Weird Science

and Stranger than Fiction.

Ruby Sparks

17 April 2012

Beach House, Rothko

From Pitchfork:

The first 34 seconds of "Lazuli", off of the upcoming Bloom, retell Beach House's story as a band in miniature. The song begins with a muzzy, coughing-ant drum-machine puff and a tiny music-box synth tone-- the same musty, dimly lit, cramped musical space their first two albums fit into, a place lit by candles but untouched by fresh air. Then, after a slow cymbal wash, the colors come flooding in, a sunburst that overwhelms every inch of space, like kicking your way out of a stuffy closet into a cool stone cathedral. "Lazuli" is a forceful, overwhelming reminder of the world Beach House discovered on 2010's Teen Dream, one that hovers in the air, glowing and benevolent, like a giant Rothko painting. It's gratifying just to be near it.

$.005 to move forward

I hope you didn't forget to give your 0.5% to NASA and your 28% to the military yesterday.

16 April 2012

St. Vincent's Annie Clark just confirmed that she and David Byrne recently finished writing and recording an album together.  Coming out this Fall.  No big deal.

"The Art of Rap" trailer

10 April 2012

trailer world

More people are watching our work than ever before, according to LAT.  yay!

a couple recent funny onez -

Pulp. so good

Pulp on Jimmy Fallon doing "Like a Friend" and "Common People".  In all his struggles, Fallon has always done music right.

Does anyone have an extra ticket to the Glass House show?

06 April 2012

Beta Frontiers "Hondo"

eight-bit easter dance party

fun to watch the bike gif below loop for a few bars.  #editing!

Happy Weekend

05 April 2012

Moon-Walking Bloopers

One of those hilarious Bob Saget preambles belongs in front of this reel.

04 April 2012

In defense of boredom

Good article by Dave Bry for The Awl on how a lot of today's best art is "boring".

Paul Harding's Tinkers, Jasper Johns' paintings, Low's music, baseball, and slowing down to explore the space between stuff.


I hope the momentum keeps up.  Grantland's latest, NYT's, Good Magazine's, Congressman Bobby Rush, Bryn's unintended tribute, even a letter from Sinead O'Connor.


03 April 2012

I had this up in my dorm room Freshman year.  Great one sheet.  You had us all tricked, George.  Every last one of us!

02 April 2012

internal links

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